Most people think of unions as benefitting their members with higher pay and better working conditions. But it has long been known that the benefit of unions go far beyond that – affecting the well-being of their communities and the entire country.

A recent report by analysts at the Economic Policy Institute documents the benefits that unions bring to most people, union and non-union members.

For example, in states with the highest union densities, minimum wages and annual incomes for everyone are much higher than the national average and substantially higher than those states with the lowest union density. They are also more likely to enjoy other benefits like paid sick leave, health insurance and retirement benefits. This comes as non-union employers must compete with union shops in order to attract and retain workers.

The benefits are substantial to local communities and the country as well. The higher wages and benefits that union workers get means a generally healthier population. People earning more means they pay more in taxes and are less likely to use public benefits.

We recommend that you click on the link below and see the entire report which is rich in facts and documentation on this subject.

Economic Policy Institute, 12/15